Addressing Land Contamination Issues 

Our Soil and Water team simplifies development with expertise and high-quality contaminated land reports, from industrial sites to former farms.


It’s typical for land that was historically used for horticultural use or industrial practices to have soil and/ore water contamination present. For this reason it’s imperative that the sites are tested, and if necessary remediated, to keep people safe and prevent harm to the environment.


As specialists, we carry out site investigations, soil testing, instant soil testing and water quality assessments across a variety of sites and provide reports and plans to support resource consent applications, or to meet consent or disposal requirements.

We understand the threats and find the solutions

Concerned about potential contamination? Thomas Consultants understand your worry and want to help. Decades of industrial activity can leave your land contaminated, with toxins leaching into both the soil and rock.  The Soil and Water Contamination team is dedicated to providing you with affordable, practical solutions that meet all regulatory requirements. Plus, all reports are certified by a SQEP, giving you peace of mind.


We can help you with:

Thomas contamination services bring peace of mind