What is an Environmental Management Plan?

Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) help businesses comply with regulations, minimise environmental impact, like pollution, and boost efficiency. They also address waste reduction and staff safety, leading to lower operational costs.

In Auckland, for example, the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP(OP)) requires many businesses involved in industrial and trade activities (ITAs) to have an EMP.

Having a proactive EMP can save you time and money in the long run. Here why:

  • Avoid Abatement Notices: Many businesses only learn about EMP requirements after receiving an abatement notice for unintentional contaminant discharge. This can lead to costly fines and even temporary business closures.
  • Stay Compliant: An EMP helps ensure your business adheres to environmental regulations, minimizing the risk of future issues.
  • Protect the Environment: By managing potential contaminants, you’ll be doing your part to protect our natural resources.

Reduce Risks & Enhance Your Reputation with an EMP

An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) isn’t a static document gathering dust on a shelf. It’s a dynamic tool designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily operations. At Thomas Consultants, we work closely with you to craft a customized EMP that’s:

  • Clear and Achievable: We make sure the plan is easy to understand for everyone in your team, promoting realistic implementation.
  • Compliant and Effective: The EMP will address your specific needs while adhering to all council regulations, minimizing risks and ensuring environmental responsibility.

Your EMP will typically cover:

  • Business Overview: A clear understanding of your operations is key to crafting an effective plan.
  • Regulatory Compliance: We’ll identify relevant regulations and ensure your EMP meets all compliance requirements.
  • Hazard Identification & Mitigation: We’ll pinpoint potential environmental risks and outline strategies to minimize or eliminate them.
  • Emergency Response: A well-defined plan for handling spills ensures a swift and effective response.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Regular maintenance and monitoring programs will help you stay on top of environmental impact.


The Power of Stormwater Monitoring

EMPs may require stormwater monitoring to prove it is preventing pollution. This is often required by Council as part of Resource Consent. Thomas Consultants will design your program, conduct sampling, and analyse results in easy-to-read reports. We also include recommendations or any issues we’ve identified.


As well as stormwater sampling, Thomas Consultants conduct groundwater, freshwater and drinking water quality assessments as well as water quality monitoring.

Protect your business and the environment