A subdivision consent allows you to subdivide around an existing dwelling

Examples include:

  • A new vacant lot to the rear, or with a new dwelling or dwellings for greater returns.
  • Create titles around a new development for sale.
  • Subdivide a vacant site or relocate a boundary.
  • Relocating or removing an existing house

Subdivision consents are usually granted with conditions relating to other approvals. These other approvals include building consents, engineering plan approvals, and certifications under sections 223 and 224 of the RMA (Resources Management Act).

You’ll need to obtain all necessary resource consents before you can subdivide your property, including any land use consents. Our team can explain this and more to you, get in touch to find out more.

How we make the process easy for you

1. Speak to a Thomas Consultants Planner.

2. Our team will arrange for a feasibility assessment to help determine:
– Number of dwellings or lots you can create
– Servicing for water, wastewater, stormwater
– Safe access and appropriate parking
– How this may affect your costs and profits.

3. Once we understand your objectives, our in-house surveyors and engineers work with you to determine the best layout for your subdivision – one that meets your budget and needs, and aligns with the potential of the site.

4. Our Planners will outline the information required for a successful subdivision application.

Subdivision Consent Benefits

  • Land utilisation
  • Increased property value
  • Infrastructure development
  • Diversified housing options
  • Economic growth
  • Legal clarity

A well-planned subdivision design will allow you to maximise your returns.  Contact our Planners to get started.

Talk to the Thomas team of experts and get you subdivision consent approved sooner

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