Need a Landscape Report for Resource Consent? 

Planning a development project? You might need a report on how it affects the landscape and views to gain Resource Consent.  A Landscape and Visual Assessment is a report written by a qualified Landscape Architect that assesses the potential landscape and visual effects of a development.

We can make this report for many projects, like:

  • New houses in special areas (coast, nature areas)
  • Signs on buildings
  • Cutting down trees
  • New power lines or pipes (city or countryside)
  • Big subdivisions
  • Projects that might affect ridgelines

Our reports cover everything the council needs to know, making your application with Council smoother.

We Delve Deeper 

A Landscape and Visual Assessment from us includes key information such as:

  • Existing landscape character and features
  • A description of the proposal 
  • A description of the key views of the property from public areas and who the viewing audience is 
  • Any landscape changes the proposal plan might create, and the scale of these changes
  • A mitigation plan to address any adverse landscape or visual effects caused by the proposal
  • Photographs and panoramas which demonstrate the important items in the assessment.

Streamline your Resource Consent with our Expert Landscape and Visual Assessments