land development glossary

Land Development Glossary of Terms

Curious about land development? This glossary explains key terms in clear, easy-to-understand language, whether you’re a homeowner or industry professional. A – B Abatement Notice: a legal document issued by a local council or government agency, to address a violation of law.  Examples include environmental or building codes. It outlines what you’ll need to do to…

land development new zealand - latest news articles

Land Development in New Zealand – what’s the latest?

Land development in New Zealand is making headlines with 3 stand-out articles in the past few weeks.   1.  Fast-Tracked Infrastructure: A Threat to NZ’s Biodiversity? A recent article from The Conversation looks at how local government’s Fast-track Bill could speed up big projects, but some worry it might hurt New Zealand’s unique wildlife. The…

Thomas consultants charity

Support Cambodia communities through Well Drilling

Driven by a commitment to social good, Thomas Consultants sponsored wells in Cambodia through local charity partners in 2011 and 2013. This project delivers clean water to vulnerable villages plagued by contaminated supplies and natural arsenic in the soil.     Our Involvement over 6 Years In 2017 our company had the opportunity to sponsor…

construction tested for soil contamination

The Importance of Soil Testing in Land Development

Soil contamination refers to the presence of hazardous substances or pollutants in the soil that can affect the development process and pose risks to human health and the environment. Contaminants such as heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, and other industrial chemicals can leach into the soil, posing significant challenges.  It can be found in historical…

stormwater drainage

Drainage Dilemma: Need to Use a Neighbour’s Drain?

Stormwater Drainage and Neighbourly Communication While neighbourly relationships can be fantastic, sometimes navigating them can feel complex. This is especially true when projects like property subdivision require connecting your stormwater drainage to a public drain located on your neighbour’s property. You’ll need their permission to proceed (we understand the potential concern this might cause!). Here’s…

MPHS community trust community involvement by Thomas Consultamnts

Thomas Consultants helps MPHS Community Trust with community garden project

From local gardens to global villages, Thomas Consultants champions the power of community involvement. Businesses have a responsibility to give back, and we’re passionate about supporting projects that make a real difference.   When Auckland Council asked us to help with a community garden project, we jumped at the chance and offered our services pro-bono.…