Can I subdivide my property?
Before you start going down the subdivision path you’ll need to find out if Council will allow a subdivision of your property. There are a number rules for subdivision and factors to consider other than just the size of your land!
Please note these rules for subdivision apply to those properties in the Auckland region, so please use as a basic guideline only if you’re in a different part of New Zealand.
Things to consider first
- Lot size – the size of the proposed lot will depend on the zone your property is in. Under the Auckland Unitary Plan, you may now be able to subdivide your property where you previously could not, click here to find out more about size and zone guidelines in Auckland
- Whether there are existing dwellings on the section that you want to keep
- Whether there are services available (storm water, waste water, water supply and access to the new lot/s)
- Any natural hazards onsite (e.g. flooding or instability)
- Any restrictions on existing titles.
Rules for urban subdivision
Auckland Council’s Unitary Plan rules determine how and where you can subdivide and develop land in Auckland. The plan sets out the rules that a subdivision design must comply with.
Examples of subdivision rules include:
- Site sizes for vacant lots
- Area available to accommodate a building
- Managing risks from natural hazards
- Design of accessways, parking and roads
- Service connections for stormwater, wastewater, water supply, electricity and telecommunications
- The proportion of rear lots
- Rules for subdividing sites with special features (e.g. significant vegetation, special character).
Other aspects of the development such as earthworks are governed by land use rules and may require land use consent.
Subdividing elsewhere in New Zealand?
Every district and unitary plan has different subdivision rules. Subdivision rules for your property will depend on the property zone.
Minimum lot sizes in Tauranga city, for example, include:
- Suburban residential zone – 325 sq metres net site area
- High density residential zone – 100 sq metres gross site area
We are experienced at working with Councils to get the best outcome for your project. Click here to contact our friendly planning team. Find out whether you have enough land to subdivide, and how you can make the most of your land.